Site icon GCLBE – Global Centre For Law, Business and Economy (GCLBE)


What does the Centre do?

The Global Centre for Law, Business and Economy (GCLBE) is a policy think tank, research centre and implementing entity. GCLBE aggregates the input of leading experts across diverse disciplines and geographies towards the development of legal and policy frameworks that enable business across the African continent. It delivers training courses to individuals and institutions in the public and private sectors. As an implementing entity, GCLBE partners with stakeholders to deliver projects in the development space.

What is the vision of the centre?

GCLBE’s vision is to be an elite Centre that is the focal point for research, capacity building and implementation with respect to key African and global challenges.

What are the goals of the Centre?

1. Create partnerships with regional and global stakeholders towards providing solutions to African and global challenges.
2. Design and implement bespoke solutions to current and emergent problems.
3. Design and deliver programmes to build capacity for tackling African and global challenges.
4. Endow fellowships to support visits by leading academics to the Centre.

How can i contact the Centre?

You can send us via email at or +234 8067541626.

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